Teaching Material - Model-Driven Development of SOAs |
- Model-Driven Development of Service-Oriented Systems (slides)
Lectures by Nora Koch, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany 9th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2009), 22 - 26 June, San Sebastián, Spain Abstract The focus of this presentation is the development apporach for service-oriented software , that has been developed within the scope of the SENSORIA project. It encompasses the whole development process, from the specification of service-oriented systems in high-level languages, to deployment, with a particular focus on qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques, and automatic transformations to generate both suitable input for the analysis tools and executable services. In depth, the presentation will address the modeling aspects, which is the basis for the early analysis and model transformations in the model-driven development process of service-oriented computing. The UML extension called UML4SOA will be introduced, which enables modeling of both the structural and the behavioral aspects of service-oriented systems providing constructs for services, service providers and description for the specification as well as service interactions, long-running transactions, and event handling. To facilitate the practical application of the results, an open source Eclipse and service-based development environment is presented that supports the new language primitives and integrates analysis tools, model transformations and deployment functions for the model-driven development. - Behaviour Analysis of Service Compositions (slides, exercise)
Lectures by Howard Foster, Imperial College London, UK 3rd SENSORIA Summer School (SENSUS 2009), 29 June - 3 July, Keszthely, Hungary Abstract In this presentation we provide a formal rigorous approach to analysing service compositions, through the perspectives of design, interactions, obligations and deployment. Service behaviour analysis includes the analysis of two important aspects of a service-oriented architecture style. Firstly, services formally exhibit their identity and permissible interactions through definitions in an interface description language and secondly, within the implementation of a service, the behaviour (state) of its interactions. The coordination of a service’s behaviour is formed from the basic operations of service invocation, replying to a service or receiving the reply from a service and this forms the basis for service analysis for its interaction behaviour. Standards elaborate the specification of how, what and when these interactions can occur. The WS-Engineer Lab provides a fully interactive set of tutorials where students are assisted to analyse service compositions (highlighted in the presentation "Behaviour Analysis of Service Compositions") with certain properties for design, interactions, obligations and deployment. The WS-Engineer workbench is integrated in to the Eclipse IDE and students will be guided through its analysis features. - Model-based Performance Analysis (introductory slides, case study, exercise)
Lectures by Stephen Gilmore, University of Edinburgh, UK 3rd SENSORIA Summer School (SENSUS 2009), 29 June - 3 July, Keszthely, Hungary Abstract In this presentation we focus on methods and tools for analysing non-functional properties of services such as performance and responsiveness. We model services using a simple process calculus and analyse these models using state-space generation, numerical solution, discrete simulation and continuous simulation. The presentation will discuss on practical applications of these techniques, illustrated by demonstrations of the supporting software tools. If time permits, we will discuss service-level agreements which form a contract between service provider and service consumer, specifying a quality of service which is to be delivered in a high percentage of cases. - Model Transformations Development (slides, lab slides)
Lectures by Dániel Varró, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary 3rd SENSORIA Summer School (SENSUS 2009), 29 June - 3 July, Keszthely, Hungary Abstract Automated model transformations play an important role in modern model-driven system engineering in order to query, derive and manipulate large, industrial models. For instance, metamodeling-based development architectures (including MDA) highly rely on transformations within and between different models and languages. The crucial role of model transformation (MT) languages and tools for the overall success of model-driven system development have been revealed in many surveys and papers during the recent years. There has also been some discussion on important problems of this field; for example, there are scenarios, where an interactive synchronization of models would be desirable, with the changes applied to one model immediately and incrementally reflected on the other model. Finally, approaches to model transformation and various solutions addressing the encountered challenges are continously being explored. Metamodeling captures the design of user models and modeling languages uniformly, in a single modeling framework. A straightforward representation of such models and languages can rely on the use of directed, typed, and attributed graphs as the underlying semantic domain. In this sense, graph transformation has recently become popular as being a general, rule-based visual specification paradigm to formally capture (i) requirements, constraints and behavior of system models, and (ii) the operational semantics of modeling languages based on metamodeling techniques. Similar ideas are applied directly on formalizing transformations from UML and other modeling languages into various semantic domains (Petri nets, SOS rules, dataflow nets, etc.). Model transformation concepts are exemplified in the lecture by the VIATRA2 framework. - Reconfigurable Service Infrastructures (slides)
Lectures by Arun Mukhija and David Rosenblum, Univeristy College London, UK Substitute lecturer: Howard Foster, Imperial College London, UK 3rd SENSORIA Summer School (SENSUS 2009), 29 June - 3 July, Keszthely, Hungary - Service Deployment by Model Transformations (slides)
Lectures by Dániel Varró, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary 3rd SENSORIA Summer School (SENSUS 2009), 29 June - 3 July, Keszthely, Hungary
- Foundations of Model Transformations (slides)
Lectures by Reiko Heckel, University of Leicester, UK 2nd International Summer School on the Global Computing Approach on Analysis of Systems (GLOBAN 2008), September 22-26, Warsaw, Poland Abstract At the heart of any model-driven development process are activities like maintaining consistency, evolution, translation, and execution of models. These are examples of model transformations. A (mathematical) foundation is needed for studying issues like the expressiveness and complexity, execution and optimisation, well-definedness and semantic correctness of transformations. This lecture is about graph transformations as one such foundation. After introducing the basic concepts of graph transformation by means of an example, applications of graph transformation to model transformation within the Sensoria project are discussed. This includes an illustration of pair and triple graph grammars for bi-directional transformations, and the problem of compatibility between model transformations and operational semantics.