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Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers
Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers

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Sensoria Bibliography Site A Typed Model for Multiparty Conversations
Luis Caires, Hugo Vieira

We present a typed language for expressing and analyzing concurrent multiparty
interactions of the kind found in service-oriented computing. The core
Conversation Calculus does not deviate from the -calculus by more than a
slight refinement of the communication mechanism, in which participants interact,
possibly concurrently, by exchanging messages within certain conversation
contexts, rather than by exchanging values on communication channels. Our
theory introduces a novel and flexible type structure, able to uniformly describe
both the internal and the interface behavior of systems, referred respectively
as choreographies and contracts in web-services jargon. It turns out that conversation
types are simple, fairly readable, and general enough to discipline
interactions in conversations, while accounting for dynamical join and leave
of an unanticipated number of participants. We establish a soundness result,
stating that well-typed systems will never violate the prescribed conversation
constraints neither incur in certain kinds of runtime errors, and techniques to
ensure progress of systems involving several possibly interleaved and concurrent

The Sensoria Project Website
2005 - 2010