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Choreography and Orchestration: a synergic approach for system design

  title = {{Choreography and Orchestration: a synergic approach for system design}},
  author = {{Nadia} {Busi} and {Roberto} {Gorrieri} and {Claudio} {Guidi} and {Roberto} {Lucchi} and {Gianluigi} {Zavattaro}},
  booktitle = {Proc.of 3rd International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC'05)},
  pages = {228-240},
  abstract = {Choreography and orchestration languages deal with business processes design and specification. Referring to Web Services technology, the most credited proposals are WS-CDL about choreography and WS-BPEL about orchestration. A closer look to such a kind of languages highlights two distinct approaches for system representation and management. Choreography describes the system in a top view manner whereas orchestration focuses on single peers description. In this paper we define a notion of conformance between choreography and orchestration which allows to state when an orchestrated system is conformant to a given choreography. Choreography and orchestration are formalized by using two process algebras and conformance takes the form of a bisimulation-like relation.},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series = {LNCS},
  volume = {3826},
  year = {2005},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1007/11596141_18},
  invited = {N},
  main = {Y},
  partner = {UNIBO},
  status = {public},
  task = {T2.1},


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2005 - 2010