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Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers
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Deliverables of WP8 - Case Studies Print

D8.0  Case Studies Scenario

Having in mind the relevance of the telecommunications, automotive and finance areas have in society and the economy, three case studies of these areas are developed within the scope of the SENSORIA project. These three case studies coming from industrial applications are complemented by a common academic case study on distributed e-learning and course management, which could also be used for dissemination and training activities. The main objective is to test and verify the applicability of the insights, methodologies and tools developed in the SENSORIA Project.

D8.1.a Telecommunications Case Study: Requirements Modelling and Analysis of Selected Scenarios

The main objective of the Telecommunication Case Study in SENSORIA is to test and verify the applicability of the insights, methodologies and tools developed in the SENSORIA Project work packages more focused on research activities, on the evolution of the Service Layer of a telecommunication infrastructure towards IT technologies. This document provides the description of the Telecommunication Case Study for the SENSORIA project, and it follows the Sensoria Deliverable D8.0: Case studies scenario description. Moreover, it reports the preliminary results of the application of methodologies and tools developed in SENSORIA to some of the issues identified in the Case Study.

D8.2.a Automotive Case Study: Requirements Specification and Modelling of Selected Scenarios

This deliverable reports on the specification and analysis of selected scenarios of the automotive case study. The scenarios are used to illustrate different specification techniques developed for the engineering of service-oriented systems within the scope of the SENSORIA project.

D8.3.a Finance Case Study: Requirements, Specification and Modelling of Selected Scenarios

The deliverable shows core requirements of fincance case study.

The first part of the deliverable describes the structural part for defining services with its structure and description. Furthermore the view of the service-oriented business process is discussed. SENSORIA could already deliver some solutions for requirements out of that scope.

Secondly the behavioral aspects of services are considered. That dynamic view contains requirements to the service discovery process and the composition of services. The last section contains the non-functional properties of services. The common requirements to service updates are described here as well as the main requirement for banking applications namely security and trust. Furthermore performance and availability and transactions also are analyzed.

D8.4.a Distributed E-Learning and Course Management System: Requirements Specification and Modelling of Selected Scenarios

This deliverable reports on the specification and analysis of selected scenarios of the university and elearning case study. The scenarios are used to illustrate different specification techniques developed for the engineering of service-oriented systems within the scope of the SENSORIA project.

D8.5 Relations among case studies and Theme 1 results

This deliverable describes the relations between the four SENSORIA case studies that are the subject of WP8 and the more technical work as carried out within the work packages of Theme 1: primitives for service modelling and architectural specification (WP1), calculi for service interaction, composition and combination (WP2 and WP5).
We report on how the different approaches for describing a service-oriented system, at different levels of abstraction, are applied to a number of scenarios of the SENSORIA case studies (WP8). The approaches considered in this deliverable span all the work packages involved in Theme 1: UML4SOA (WP1), SRML (WP1), STPOWLA (WP1), ADR (WP5), COWS (WP2, WP5), and SOCK (WP5).
The general aim of applying the languages and techniques developed within Theme 1 to the case studies was to gain experience on modelling with such languages or techniques. The modelling experiences provided challenging requirements to validate the approaches and to obtain feedback that in some cases led to extensions.
One of the results of the modelling experiences was a better understanding of the advantages of each approach. Also, the application to a specific set of case studies encouraged and enhanced the collaboration among the participants of work packages involved in Theme 1.

D8.6 Relations among case studies and Theme 2 results

This deliverable provides an overview of the relations between the SENSORIA case studies from WP8 and the technical work carried out as part of Theme 2: Mathematical analysis and verification techniques and tools for system behaviour and quality of service properties. This theme deals with logic developments, type systems and static analysis techniques to develop tools and methods to guarantee a high level of security and trust for the location transparent delivery of services, while allowing mobility of resources, as well as with the development of stochastic techniques to analyse quantitative aspects of services.

D8.7 Relations among case studies and Theme 3 results

The goal of the SENSORIA case studies is to provide examples from different domains for the validation of the different languages, techniques and methods developed within the scope of the SENSORIA project for the development of service-oriented software.
This deliverable provides an overview of how the case studies have been used in the tasks of Theme 3 of the SENSORIA project so far. It includes a description of the experience and results of applying project results of WP6 and WP7, to different scenarios of the SENSORIA automotive, finance and euniversity case studies. The tasks of WP6 and WP7 are related to model-driven development, deployment and reengineering techniques for service-oriented architectures (SOAs). In particular, we discuss advantages and difficulties (if any) of the application of the approach and how the feedback resulting from the use of these scenarios was used to further improve the SENSORIA scientific approaches for SOAs and to improve the scenario specification for further exemplifications.
The first Section gives an overview of the tasks of Theme 3 and the case studies of WP8. Section 2 provides an overview of the case studies, whilst section 3 presents the results of using languages, methods and techniques developed in tasks of WP6. Section 4 presents the same evaluation results but for WP7. Section 4 outlines some conclusions and future work.

D8.8: SENSORIA Results Applied to the Case Studies

In this deliverable we provide an overview of the application of the results obtained in SENSORIA (i.e., those techniques, methods and languages developed in the technical work packages WP1-WP7) to SENSORIA case studies (developed in work package WP8). As a natural follow-up to deliverables D8.5, D8.6 and D8.7, this deliverable only contains the applications that have been carried out after M36.

D8.9 MIP Case Studies: MIP Telco and Robot Case Studies

As part of SENSORIA project, this deliverable describes the work done in Sensoria by MIP, in particular the case studies developed in WP8 activities: the MIP Telco case study concerning a VoIP service activation and the MIP Robot Bowling Case Study concerning robot movement. The MIP Telco Case Study, on the one hand, it validates the tabular approach that allows effective handling of different types of business rules by non-programmers such as business analysts. On the other hand, the case study has given the possibility to show a first idea of the potential benefits of SENSORIA in general, and StPowla in particular, in the business process management. The Robot Bowling Case Study has been the basis of an effective SENSORIA demonstrator at the exhibit ICT 2008 in Lyon, November 2008, and at FET 2009 in Prague, April 2009 as well. It was used particularly for showing the usage of different SENSORIA Quantitative and Qualitative analysis approaches, both ex-ante , during the demo design and development and ex-post, during the execution of the demo, allowing the demo participants to forecast the robot behaviour while programming a robot for a robo-bowling competition.


The Sensoria Project Website
2005 - 2010