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Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers
Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers

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Sensoria Bibliography Site Composing Transactional Services
Roberto Bruni, Hernán Melgratti, Ugo Montanari

This paper proposes a formal approach to the desing and programming of Long Running Transactions (LRT). We exploit techniques from process calculi to define cJoin, which is an extension of the Join calculus with few well-disciplined primitives for LRT. Transactions in cJoin are intended to describe the transactional interaction of several partners. Hence, its distinguishing feature is that any partner executing a transaction may communicate only with other transactional partners. In such case, the transactions run by any party are bound to achieve the same outcome (i.e., all succeed or all fail). Additionally, cJoin is based on compensations, i.e., partial execution of transactions are recovered by executing user-defined programs instead of providing automatic roll-back. The expressiveness and generality of cJoin is demonstrated by many examples addressing common programming patterns. The mathematical foundation is accompanied by a prototype language implementation, which is an extension of the JOCAML compiler.

The Sensoria Project Website
2005 - 2010